Dan's Technology Help |
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Security Info | |
Home PCs &
Notice: This information
is provided free of charge. The idea behind this is for this site to be my
private personal technical resource when I am teaching on the road. Some site
may link you to immoral, pornographic or objectionable web pages or images. I do
not support or endorse these sites in any way. Visit these sites at your own
risk. Dan Shea, or agents and associate companies or organizations will not be
responsible in any way for incidents that may occur because of you visiting these
site. These web site links presented here are for information use only. In order
for you to educate your self on how the computers, networks, and security work.
I am not here to teach you how to hack. My purpose is to help you as administer
of your network to the do do your job. Good luck. Use at your own risk.
WARNING: These are NOT my ideas or words. The Information gathered here
is from many different e-mail articles, news list, and other documents. I have
not tested all of these ideas or web sites. The sites you are about to see, and
utilities available to you may cause damage to your computer and your network.
Some of these sites may have viruses, Trojans, intrusion software, java scripts,
and informational revealing software. We do not sell, resell, or license any of
the products listed on the site. Some of the Utilities or Software may be
against the law and/or illegal to down load and/or use. These sites my expose the
vulnerabilities of your network, servers and workstations to hackers. We encourage you
to determine whether this product or your intended use is legal. We do not encourage
or condone the use of any software in violation of applicable laws. There is
no guarantee to the accuracy of this information. You need to try these changes
out on a test computer or Test server first, and not on your live network. We cannot
be held liable for issues that arise from the download or use of these products.
Incorrectly editing the Windows Registry can cause serious problems requiring the
reinstallation of your operating system and may lead to the loss of data. We
do not and will not support problems that arise from editing your registry. It is
best if you visit these sites on a computer behind a firewall, with virus
checking software and not connected to your live network. You must back up all
data prior to implementing any of these changes. Use this information at your
own risk.
Limitation of Liability. Under no circumstances including
negligence, shall Dan Shea, or agents, be liable to you for any incidental, indirect,
special or consequential damages (including damages for loss of business profits,
business interruption, loss of business information, and the like) arising out of
the use, misuse or inability to use this technical information documentation,
breach or default, including those arising from infringement or alleged
infringement of any patent, trademark, copyright or other intellectual property
right, by Dan Shea, even if Dan Shea or authorized representative has been advised
of the possibility of such damages. Dananne Enterprises Inc. will not be liable for
1) loss of, or damage to, your records or data or
2) any damages claimed by you based on any third party claim. In no event shall
Dan Shea total liability to you for all damages, losses, and causes of action
whether in contract, tort (including negligence) or otherwise) will not exceed
the amount of $1.00 Canadian funds.
* * I hope this helps your computer learning experience * *
Any questions or problem links please email | ![]() |